Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam...

I'm feeling just the slightest bit flattered that I've been getting a new burst of comment spam in the last couple of postings. And this is the real computer-driven spambot stuff, not the drivel that I used to get from She Who Must Not Be Named. If a blog is getting spam, that is at the very least circumstantial evidence that it has a readership, right? Now that I think about it, it makes me a little apprehensive to think that that the machines view me as a convenient way of infiltrating human social networks. Someday in the near future, computer-driven spam might consist of a Terminator robot holding a gun to your head while you type out happy-sounding propaganda for SkyNet.

The spam dumped on this site will ultimately be deleted whenever I discover it; I'm sure that anyone reading this site has too much of their own spam to need some of mine.


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