Friday, June 23, 2006

Liberal wierdness on Iraq

I've been growing suspicious that liberal public opinion is melting down over Iraq. Half of the liberal web sites that I visit are insistent that there is a civil war in Iraq and that redeploying our troops out of Iraq will save them from the inevitable, intense sectarian violence. The other half of these liberal web sites are insistent that the American occupation is generating most of the violence and that everything will end up just fine as long as we stop provoking insurgent violence by redeploying our troops out of Iraq. Given a choice between supporting "redeployment lite" for the equivalents of "great taste" or "less filling", you can't really blame Congressional Republicans for sticking with the President's position instead.

Yet another liberal argument for a reployment of troops in Iraq is that they can be just as useful for dealing with events in Iraq by being stationed in, say, Kuwait. Isn't that like arguing that the best way to protect New York City from another terrorist attack is to give all of New York State's federal homeland security money to, say, Connecticut?

And then, perhaps just to underscore that there are deep, untapped reserves of lunacy in the Democratic Party, there is this week's plan on Iraq from Senator John Kerry. It states, in part:
The President to work with the new Iraqi government to convene a summit that includes those leaders, the leaders of the governments of each country bordering Iraq, representatives of the Arab League, the Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, representatives of the European Union, and leaders of the governments of each permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, to reach a comprehensive political agreement for Iraq that addresses fundamental issues including federalism, oil revenues, the militias, security guarantees, reconstruction, economic assistance and border security.
This proposal is so nuts, I could keep Vacuum Energy running for a week just discussing this one paragraph alone. To give credit where it is due, Senator Kerry did politely invite the existing Iraqi government to participate in governing its own country. For Senator Kerry, that's a major concession of legitimacy. Or notice that our good friend United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan doesn't get invited to the party; obviously, after what happened with the last government of Iraq, even Senator Kerry isn't crazy enough to invite Kofi Annan to discuss "oil revenues" ever again.


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